Measuring well-being to increase it

Happiness and productivity in harmony are the foundation of well-being.

77% of Ukrainians experience stress and severe nervousness, and another 52% experience anxiety and tension

55% of employees burn out, but most companies don't have tools to identify risks.

Satisfied employees work 21% more efficiently, and their companies make 25% more profit.

We assess all aspects of well-being with one tool

Many companies conduct several different tests: for stress and burnout, engagement, satisfaction, etc. Our test combines 4 key areas

Detects stress and emotional state
Provides insight into the physical and social condition of employees
Provides a single, integrated indicator of well-being (happiness index)

Our questionnaire takes into account demographic data (gender, age, profession, marital status), which allows you to gain deep insights into how different groups of employees affect the overall well-being of the company.

Optimization of HR costs and resources

Our questionnaire replaces 3 tools at once:

😄 Overall happiness index score
🔍 Well-being analysis in 4 areas of life
😠 Identifying stress levels and burnout risks


⏲️ HR time savings📁 One report instead of three different documents.🎯 30% more accurate results thanks to automation and segmentation

What does the company get?

Staff turnover: 15% decrease in 6 months.
Productivity: 21% growth due to engagement.

Targeted measures:

  • 🧷 Develop targeted support programs for groups with the highest turnover rates (flexible schedules, training programs, internal negotiations).
  • 🧷 Ensure regular monitoring of their well-being through surveys

Identify risk groups:

  • 🧷 Use survey results to identify employees or departments with low satisfaction or high stress levels.
  • 🧷 Segment this data by age, profession, or other parameters.

In the language of numbers

The overall well-being index of a company allows you to quickly assess its condition. For example, an index of 80% demonstrates high satisfaction, while below 50% indicates the need for immediate action.

Regular reports (quarterly or monthly) allow you to track the dynamics of well-being and the effectiveness of support programs

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